Starting this week, you will have the option to send mobile notifications to tasters when a panel starts. We understand that it’s easy for tasters to get wrapped up in other tasks, so notifications will serve as a simple nudge to remind them about scheduled panels.
Using Notifications
Notifications will automatically be turned on for all systems and all tiers, but if you do not wish to notify your tasters when a panel is open, simply disable “Push Notifications” in your Settings. When enabled, all users will be alerted every time a panel opens. Users can always choose to disable notifications from DraughtLab, so only those who allow notifications will receive them.
To prevent your panelist’s phones from constantly blowing up, notifications will not be sent for Spot Tastings, which are used for at-line, in-process or in-the-field tastings.
Remain Consistent
While notifications may help diminish the amount of time you spend hunting down your tasters, it is no replacement for clear communication and reliable scheduling. Flavor data is especially subject to variability, so try to minimize taster bias due to shifting panel factors. Schedule tastings at the same time(s), day(s), and location(s) so your panelists can show up in a consistent condition every day.
Keep in Touch
We are always looking for ways to make improvements, so let us know if you have ideas for how this and other features can be expanded to improve your program. Let us know what you think at info@draughtlab.com
DraughtLab offers practical and approachable Sensory Analysis Solutions that deliver real-world value to food and beverage companies. Visit our website or reach out to us at info@draughtlab.com to learn more!